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Digital Energy for- Impact

These statistics emphasize the tangible benefits of immersive technologies in terms of increased engagement, improved learning outcomes, and enhanced user experiences across various sectors.

A packet of food named impact in a mountain setting

Increased Productivity

A report by McKinsey & Company indicates that organizations implementing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies for training and collaboration experienced a 20-50% increase in productivity. 


According to a survey by Statista, 78% of consumers believe that brands using virtual reality are forward-thinking, leading to increased customer engagement and positively impacting sales.

x 78%

Increased Sales

Two people discussing  the impact of an immersive project
A MacBook with a performance dashboard with web statistic to measure engagement

More Views

According to a report by Forbes, real estate listings with virtual tours receive 87% more views compared to traditional listings, demonstrating the impact of immersive technologies on property sales


Customer Satisfaction

A study by Accenture suggests that immersive technologies, such as augmented reality applications in retail, can increase customer satisfaction by 20% and boost conversion rates.


Good vibes only sign
A look happy women with kind eyes looking like a satisfied customer

Quality of Life

A study published in the Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science indicates that virtual reality therapy has been effective in treating various mental health conditions, including anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Sheets of paper looking at costs with a calculator


Lower Cost

PwC noted that At 1,950 learners, VR training achieved cost parity with e-learning. At 3,000 learners, VR costs become 52% less than classroom. V-learners completed training 4 times faster than classroom training.

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